Sunday, November 9, 2008


As we all know, Barack “The social media guru” Obama is the new president of the United States. It’s been well stated and observed that Obama used social media tools like Twitter, Myspace, Facebook and to lead his campaign, raise money and motivate the public to get out the vote. But know that he’s in office what will his social media sites focus on now? You would think that with all the people now attached to his social media heal that he would appoint the first social media position in the White House. Who knows, social media could be the new form of nuclear weaponry for the United States. Maybe the way to kill Osama Bin Laden is to tweet him to death.

But realistically does this mean that we, citizens, will be directly connected to congressmen and women through social media. Maybe congress will twitter in their votes and use it organize community service. But one thing we do know is that it will be used heavily in 2012 for the next presidential race. And if Obama plans to run again then he will be getting started in 2 years and who knows what social media tools he’ll be using then.


Shannon N. said...

I think its interesting to consider the possibility of an increase in social media by government officials. While I doubt anyone will take it as seriously as you joke (although, it is worthy of noting that if manipulated, social media could be VERY powerful) who knows who will be the next political face on Twitter.

I'd love to see a Facebook Fan Page officially for Obama or the White House. I would be humored to see how many fans the page gets and what sorts of stuff is posted (officially, not by fans). Who knows, maybe...

Maybe sometime soon there will be polls to reflect the impact social media usage had on the campaign. Or maybe there are and I've just overlooked them. What do you think the impact was? High or low?

W. Bamson said...

I agree the political process in America will never be the same. I mentioned in a similar post how I think that in the future we may be able to vote from home using the internet. There would definitely be security issues to be considered, but I think that it would persuade more people to vote based on sheer convenience. I think you made a great point about a social media position in the White House, but I'm sure that there is already someone monitoring that (think Palin's Wikipedia edit during the campaign).

melwilltell said...

I think social media will be everpresent in politics now. Let's just take notice of how many viral videos affected people's views and choices of certain candidates. There's really no telling how many blogs, twitters or even podcasts that made people reconsider their positions as well. I do believe that polls have reflected a new era and I hope that the White House takes notice and follows that lead by making this presidential term one that leads this new generation of technology rather than lagging behind.

mandimex said...

Social media networking has pretty much taken over everything. It'd be interesting to find what other tactics politicians will begin to use to get their messages out in terms of their campaigns and other governmental causes. I think its a great way to reach the younger crowd but what about the older crowd?